Some Travel Tips For The Inspired Traveller

Travel can be lurking with dangers – but this should not stop the intrepid traveler! Here are some tips to make your travel escapade a fulfilling one!


There are numerous travel review sites nowadays that offer reviews on hotels by hands-on travelers. These serve as useful tools for judging hotels, restaurants, spas, resorts and tourist attractions in general. The things to watch out for are how recent the posts have been – ancient reviews are not of much use, as things change rapidly. Also, keep a watch on the pictures posted by the reviewers- one picture speaks more than a thousand words do – heard of this one, right?


Do not forget to update your status on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This way you can continue to access help and suggestions from friends even when you are on the move. “Where can we get the best tea in Darjeeling?” “Does anyone know where you can shop for cheap handicrafts in Kutch?” You will be amazed at the number of replies that you will get!


Even if travel insurance is non-refundable it is worth buying anyways – insurance covers medical expenses, baggage loss and flight delays substantially. Always choose a reputed insurance company, small time companies or the ones you have never heard of before could pose to be a risk.

Happy travelling!